Nine Forms Of Strength


For a country with no solid religion to fall back on, India has made up for it with a strong set of cultural values and social ethos. Before you jump to conclusions, let me explain. Hindusim by and large isn’t as much a religion as it is a way of life; hence it is called Dharmashastra. Epics and legends, no matter how shallow, debatable, vindictive, or inaccurate have the sole purpose of making certain scientific, civil, and social norms acceptable with too much of a fuss. Over the years, I have come to accept this as my reality, and hence helped me on my quest-quenching knowledge journey. Each of the festivities that are culturally observed by the people with whom i share my adaptability quotation

2 Comments Add yours

  1. frizztext says:

    “For a country with no solid religion to fall back on, India has made up for it with a strong set of cultural values and social ethos…” – a good intro; and I wish that there will be more social ethos related to woman; too much bad news about how women are treated…


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